Головна » 2021 » Май » 29 » What should Catholics take care for?
What should Catholics take care for?

What should Catholics take care for?

When we speak about "material popes" the question should be as follows:

What should Catholics take care for?

1. About creating an artificial reputation for "material popes" and providing them with "formal status"?


2. About defending the Church against these public heretics and their destructive actions?

I hope I will not be mistaken if I write that for a Catholic the answer is obvious: Defending the Church against heretical "material popes" by completely rejecting them as those who came to implant a new non-Catholic religion.

Catholics have no obligation whatsoever to employ these "material popes".

I think it would be the best solution to leave this mission to their fellow believers in their Novus Ordo church.

Fr. V

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