Головна » 2019 » Март » 18 » Articles in English
Articles in English

Victor III and the Thesis. A Tale by Fr. Desposito

"Material Pope Thesis" Twitter Debates

History Of The Education Of Priests

Avoiding Offspring And Validity Of Marriage

Jurisdiction, Excommunication, Public heretics, 'Material pope'

Bishop Daniel Dolan's death

Paschal-Lenten Reflections A. D. 2022

Non-Pope Does Not Get Supplied Power

The Catholics should have nothing to do with Heretics

“The Thesis of Cassiciacum” and "Lefebvrism"

The Nativity of Christ and "Material Pope"

A Theological Error or Savors of Heresy?

The Kingship of Christ and the Duty of Catholics

Is It A Sin To Believe In A Hidden Pope?

The Church's Position On Taking The Mandated Injections

Confession And Absolution By Telephone. Second Part.

Confession And Absolution By Telephone

St. Hyacinth the Apostle of Poland and South Russia

Object of the Seal of Confession


If the See is Vacant Priest Does Not Say "Papa Nostro"

Comments on the Material Pope Thesis. Third Part.

Comments on the Material Pope Thesis. Second Part.

Comments on the Material Pope Thesis. First Part.

Fight for the Mass of All Times in Poland?
One can be stubborn and even give one’s life for the keys to an apartment belonging to a Vatican II congregation; however, one should understand that these keys do not fit the Heavenly Door...

Civil Divorce and Remarriage
Is civil divorce allowed for Catholics? Is civil remarriage allowed for Catholics? ...

Is Fr. Khoat V. T. a Valid Priest?
Actually, I propose to readers to find a correct answer to the three following questions...

The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Divine Liturgy
The Marian excerpts from the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom...

Attempts to Overthrow the Papacy
By pronouncing condemning sentences instead of the Pope, "hidden pope" propagators and "home aloners" attempt to change the form of government of the Catholic Church and to transfer the supreme authority from the Roman Pontiff to lay persons ...

One Fold and One Shepherd
Regardless of whose interpretation of St. John 10:16 you prefer, you can only draw one conclusion: that the main meaning of Our Lord Jesus Christ’s words written in this verse is that He came to redeem not only Jews, but Gentiles as well. Christ is One Shepherd to all nations, and all nations are called by Him to be His one fold ...

The Vacancy of the Holy See in the Days of Antichrist
It is a matter of history that the most disastrous periods for the Church were times when the Papal throne was vacant, or when anti-popes contended with the legitimate head of the Church. Thus also shall it be in those evil days to come ...

The “Siri Thesis” Propagators teach non-Christian Doctrines
The “Siri Thesis” propagators encourage Catholics to accept the non-Christian religion ...

Easter during ‘communovirus’ pandemic
We are forced to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ in 2020 AD in the context of the death propaganda campaign launched by the world communist structures ...

Fifty Just Within the City
Fifty just within the city and even many more are needed ...

O Lord, We Adore Thy Cross
While most people around the world are trembling in horror, fearing to become infected with a virus ...

The Pope is the Visible Head of the Church Militant
Being the Visible Head of the Visible Body, St. Peter (the Pope) is the public person which must be visible not only to himself, but to the whole Church ...

The Catholic Church and Election of a Pope
Who would elect a Pope after the death of all the Cardinals? ...

Was Siri “the best Pope”?
How can a person, who permanently lives in a state of a split personality be the Vicar of Christ? ...

Why Catholic Sedevacantism is true?
Some comments on the conceptions of Mr. X, a follower of the Vatican II church, of Mr. Y, a follower of a 'hidden pope' and of Mr. Z, a 'Home Aloner' ...

Fr. Luigi Villa and 'Chiesa viva'
Padre Pio’s request to Fr. Villa is a myth, invented by the 'Chiesa viva' real owners for deception of its readers ...

Whom Do They Call "Pope Gregory XVII”?
Whom do they actually call "Pope Gregory XVII" - Giuseppe Siri or Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli? ...

Pope Paschal II vs Cardinal Siri: Two Choices
Can the case of the Pope Paschal (Pascal) II be considered a historical precedent which could be applied to Cardinal Giuseppe Siri? ...

The Blessed Sacrament and the Sacrament of Holy Orders
In the physical absence of a Pope the connection with his authority does not get broken, because the Holy See, Papacy, still exists morally as perpetual moral, legal, person ...

The Primary Foundation and the Secondary Foundations
Jesus Christ is the chief corner-stone and the primary foundation ...

Is God Unjust?
The answer is - God is always just ...

The Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary was instituted by God Himself ...

The Immaculate Heart Will Triumph
Heart of Mary, Mother of God, our Mother; Heart Most Amiable ...

A 'Hidden Pope', Cardinal Achille Liénart, etc.
Is it not preposterous to believe that the Visible Head of the Church of Christ has been a ‘hidden’ for 61 years now, from 1958 until 2019? ...

The Holy Rosary vs Sloth
It is no less surprising that in fact, only in 1262 A.D. the name of Jesus had been added by Pope Urban IV to the words of St. Elizabeth, "blessed is the fruit of thy womb" ...

Was Cardinal Achille Liénart a Freemason?
A certain man launched this provocative issue through his websites in order to take revenge on the priests ordained by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, because they refused to accept his absurd thesis about the 'hidden pope'. ...

The Unbroken Succession of the Bishops of Rome
Since the Papacy is a supernatural, heavenly Institution, It does not disappear during the periods of vacancy of the Holy See, no matter how long these periods last ...

The Hierarchy of Order
The Hierarchy of Order has the unquestionable power to say Holy Masses and administer the Sacraments ...

The Pope is Tied Up and Limited by the Divine Law
Our Lord Jesus Christ did not bestow upon St. Peter the power to make laws on Earth which are then automatically considered to be approved in Heaven ...

Pope Pius IX about Holy Mass
The Church in unity with Pope Pius IX encourages both priests and laity to be faithful to the Holy Mass “to the end of the world” ...

God is the Father of all men. Part 2.
The teaching of Pope Leo XIII and Pope St. Pius X that God the Father is the Father of all men is based on the solid foundation of the Holy Bible and fully corresponds to the Catholic Catechisms published in 1849 and 1864, during the reign of Pope PIUS IX ...

Who may preach?
The authors of such claims are laymen who recently were active supporters of Vatican II (former catechists, parish cashiers and other "vip") who fanatically introduced its destructive "reforms." ...

God is the Father of all men
A certain anti-Catholic sect, previously written about in the article called "The Papacy and the Papal States", is spreading disgusting lies about two Popes - Leo XIII and St. Pius X ...

The Papacy and the Papal States
One anti-Catholic sect is spreading the idea that the last Pope was Pius IX ...

The Holy Ghost, Pope, Bishops
It is seems that the author of the objection does not understand the difference between the validity and the lawfulness ...

The Priesthood or the Papacy: What Came First?
A day before His death on the Cross, at the Last Supper, Our Lord instituted the Apostles priests, while Peter did not yet receive the supreme jurisdiction over them ...

A Perpetual Legal Person and Jurisdiction
A periodically repeated vacancy of the Holy See is a component of the historical, ecclesiological and canonical context of the Catholic Church ...

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